To submit SEUsĀ® toward your certification renewal, please do the following:

  1. Log in to yourĀ Scrum Alliance Dashboard
  2. SelectĀ SEUsĀ from the navigation bar on the left
  3. From theĀ Select an Activity TypeĀ dropdown, choose anĀ activity type
    • Here, you need to select the category you earned the SEUs (Learning, Events, Volunteering, or Others)
  4. In theĀ Activity DescriptionĀ section, describe the activity
    • This is where you explain the content of the activity. For instance, if you attended a course, you can submit the description of the course here.
  5. In theĀ Activity DateĀ section select the date the activity was completed using the calendar widget
  6. Enter the hours and minutes spent on the activity in whole numbers
  7. Select the blueĀ SubmitĀ button at the bottom

Please note that there is no limit to how many SEUs you can submit for a specific category. So, you can earn SEUs through any category.